
TC5 was another laboratory experiment on coupled hydro-mechanical processes in a single rock fracture, conducted at ANWRA (Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis), Southeast Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA, using ANWRA’s direct shear test frame. Figure 9a show the schematic set-up diagram for the direct shear test of linear fluid flow with normal and shear loading arrangements. A series of linear fluid flow tests under combined normal stress loading with values 1.0 MPa, 4.0 MPa, 5.0 MPa and up to 8 MPa, and a shear displacements up to 25.4 mm, were conducted. Figure 9b shows the results of hydraulic conductivity and normal displacement vs. shear displacement as measured during the test under a normal stress load of 2.0 MPa—as one of the examples of the measured data.

Figure 9: a) Schematic view of the set-up of direct shear test design for TC5; b) test results of hydraulic conductivity and normal displacement of the tested fracture sample vs. shear displacement.

Similarly to TC4, no numerical simulations could be performed for TC5 due to the delays caused by further test equipment development and test schedule changes.